Access to information
A wide variety of information is available for the public to access. Details of how to access that information is listed on this page.
The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) gives you the right to access government information you ask for, unless there is an overriding public interest against release.
If you can't find the information you're looking for, send an email to
How can I access information held by icare?
There are four pathways to access information:
- open access information
- proactive release
- informal request
- formal access application.
Open access information
Under the GIPA Act, certain information is required to be made available on our website, free of charge which is called "open access information".
Agency Information Guide
The Agency Information Guide is a guide to icare's functions and organisational structure.
Documents tabled in Parliament
Documents are available on the Parliament of NSW website. Currently the only documents tabled are icare's Annual Reports.
Disclosure log
The Public Access Disclosure Log is a list of information we've released that may be of interest to the public. You can access this information by emailing
Reporting serious wrongdoing
icare does not tolerate corrupt conduct, maladministration, serious and substantial waste of public money, government information contravention nor any other serious wrongdoing.
Employees, volunteers and officers of icare, together with individuals and corporations (including their employees, volunteers, officers and subcontractors) engaged by icare to provide services on behalf of icare, are classified as ‘public officials’ under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2022. The Act protects public officials from reprisal and detrimental action when disclosing serious wrongdoing. icare’s Reporting Wrongdoing Policy sets out icare’s procedures in relation to disclosures covered by the Act.
icare may exercise functions on behalf of another agency or entity, or appoint one or more agencies or entities to exercise functions on its behalf under the Act. icare is required to publish details of these arrangements on its website which can be found here.
Gifts of Government Property
For the purpose of the Treasurer's Direction TD21-04 – Gifts of Government Property, as at 30 June 2023 icare has not gifted Government Property to a person or entity outside of the NSW Government.
icare policy documents
- Procurement Policy 0.33 MB(pdf)
- Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy 2 MB(pdf)
- Respectful Behaviour Policy 0.15 MB(pdf)
- Inclusion and Diversity Policy 0.14 MB(pdf)
- Grievance Handling Policy 0.12 MB(pdf)
- Conflicts of Interest Policy 0.21 MB(pdf)
- Gifts and Benefits Policy 0.20 MB(pdf)
- Reporting Wrongdoing Policy 0.35 MB(pdf)
- icare Pricing Policy 0.09 MB(pdf)
- Information and Records Management Policy 0.18 MB(pdf)
Contracts Register
All contracts over $150,000 must be disclosed.
icare's Contracts Register can be accessed by visiting the NSW Government eTendering Contracts Register Search page.
- ALZ - Nominal Insurer Claims Service Provider Contract - Execution Version Redacted 8 MB(pdf)
- DXC - Nominal Insurer Claims Service Provider Contract - Execution Version Redacted 7 MB(pdf)
- EML - Nominal Insurer Claims Service Provider Contract - Execution Version Redacted 7 MB(pdf)
- GBS - Nominal Insurer Claims Service Provider Contract - Execution Version Redacted 7 MB(pdf)
- GIO - Nominal Insurer Claims Service Provider Contract - Execution Version Redacted 7 MB(pdf)
- QBE - Nominal Insurer Claims Service Provider Contract - Execution Version Redacted 7 MB(pdf)
- General Lines and HBCF Claims Service Provider Contract - Executed- Redacted 3 MB(pdf)
Open access information not publicly available
Sometimes we may decide not publish certain information. If this happens, we will make a record of the decision and publish it here.
Proactive release
We publish a large range of information on this website. Use the search function at the top of the page to find information or check our our News and stories page for the latest updates about icare.
Our Proactive Release Strategy sets out our plan to ensure that we regularly publish information that is of interest to the public.
Let us know if you can't find the information you're looking for by emailing
Informal request
If the information you are after has not already been published, we may be able to release it to informally.
You can informally request information by emailing us at
In some cases, we may require you to lodge a formal access application. For example:
- If there are significant public interest considerations that need to be considered in deciding whether the information can be released.
- If you request a large volume of information.
- If it would take a significant amount of time to consider and respond to your request.
Formal access application
If the information you are looking for is not available in any of the ways outlined above, you may need to make a formal access application.
Please complete the GIPA Access Application Form, then send your completed application via email to, addressed to the GIPA Officer. You are encouraged to submit your application electronically. However, should you wish to complete a hard copy form and send it via post to icare, please send your application to:
Government Information (Public Access) Officer
GPO Box 4052 Sydney
NSW 2001
To ensure you get the information you need, please be as specific as possible. For example, if you know the date or title of the document, claim number, policy number, participant number, date of injury, employer's name, and claims service provider, please include this information on your application form.
Under the GIPA Act, a formal access application must be accompanied by payment of a fee of $30. Please attend to payment of the application fee via direct bank deposit as follows:
- Payment reference: GIPA – [YOUR SURNAME]
- Account name: icare NSW
- Bank: Westpac Banking Corporation
- BSB: 032 024
- Account number: 000 511
Please note: a payment remittance confirming the date on which payment was made must be included in your application. Processing will not commence until icare receives evidence that the $30 fee has been paid.
If you have any questions about lodging an access application, please contact the GIPA Officer via email at
When will the outcome of my application be decided?
We will write to acknowledge receipt of your application within 5 working days.
We'll let you know of a decision about your application in 20 working days unless you agree to extend the time. We may extend the processing time by 10 working days (to a maximum of 15 days) if we need to consult with a third party or access records from archives.
Review of decisions (Internal Review)
If you are unhappy with our decision you have the right to request an internal review of that decision.
The application fee to have a decision reviewed is $40 except where the review arises because the application was not decided within time or the review is recommended by the Information Commissioner.
There is no additional processing charge for reviews of decisions.
To request a review of a decision, complete the GIPA Internal Review Application Form.
Find out more about your review rights from the Information and Privacy Commission website.