Forms and resources for injured or ill people
This document library allows you to quickly locate a form or browse general information that is relevant to you.
Forms and resources for injured or ill people
Workplace injuries: Workers insurance
Here you’ll find forms for people who have been injured at work. If you have a severe workplace injury, you may be eligible to have your treatment and care services provided through our Workers Care Program.
Motor accident injuries and severe workplace injuries:
Lifetime Care, CTP Care and Workers Care
Here you’ll find forms for the Lifetime Care and Support Scheme and the CTP Care Program for people with severe or long-term injuries following a motor accident, or the Workers Care Program for people severely injured at work.
Severe injuries that may be eligible for Lifetime Care and Workers Care include spinal cord injury, brain injury, amputations, burns and blindness.
- Authority to enquire or act on your behalf - for Lifetime Care
- Authority to enquire or act on your behalf - for Workers Care
- EFT details form (Word)
- EFT details form (PDF)
- Expense claim form (Word)
- Expense claim form (PDF)
- Interim Application form - for Lifetime Care
- Severe Injury Advice form - for Lifetime Care
- Travel log - Lifetime Care, Workers Care and CTP Care (Word)
- Travel log - Lifetime Care, Workers Care and CTP Care (PDF)
- Travel booking form (participant/worker) - Lifetime Care, and Workers Care
- Withdrawal of authority to enquire or act on your behalf - for Lifetime Care
- Withdrawal of authority to enquire or act on your behalf - for Workers Care
- Worker injury review form - WIRF
- Vendor business details form
Work-related dust disease: Dust Diseases Care
- Application for compensation form
- Authority by next of kin to release employment records
- Authority by next of kin to release medical records
- Authority to release employment records
- Authority to release medical records form
- Bank Details Form
- Dependant application for compensation form
- Domestic assistance claim form
- Funeral benefit claim form
- Medical expenses claim form
- Request a medical examination form
- Travel expense claim form
Sporting injuries
- Deceased participant benefit application for schools and departments
- Deceased participant benefit application for sports organisations
- Injury benefit application for schools and departments
- Injured participant benefit application for sports organisations
- Notice of serious injury or deceased participant for schools and departments
Workplace injuries: Workers insurance
- Workers compensation benefits guide
- Treatment and care to support your recovery
- Guidance on the support pathway for people with a limb amputation (and trialling a prosthesis) 2021
- Summary for the support pathway for people with a limb amputation (2021)
- Limb prosthesis maintenance
- Tips on managing pain and limb amputation
Motor accident and severe workplace injuries:
Lifetime Care & Workers Care Program
Here you’ll find resources for the Lifetime Care and Support Scheme and the Workers Care Program for people severely injured in a motor accident or at work. Severe injuries that may be eligible for Lifetime Care and Workers Care include spinal cord injury, brain injury, amputations, burns and blindness.
Lifetime Care
- Advocacy information sheet
- Applying for lifetime participation information sheet
- Care Needs Assessments - Information for Participants
- Child Safety Policy
- Completing an expense claim form
- Consequential injuries and health conditions policy - Lifetime Care
- Consequential injuries and health conditions information - Lifetime Care
- Depression after a brain injury information sheet
- Dispute assessor information sheet
- Education and study support services information sheet
- Family and friends as support worker policy - Lifetime Care
- Home modifications - A way to stay at home
- Home modifications - Frequently Asked Questions
- How to request services information sheet
- My Plan for Lifetime Care
- Privacy principles information sheet
- Resolving disputes about a ‘motor accident injury’ information sheet
- Resolving disputes about eligibility information sheet
- Resolving disputes about treatment and care needs information sheet
- Review of an assessment panel's decision about eligibility information sheet
- Review of a dispute assessor's decision on treatment and care needs information sheet
- Role of your coordinator and case manager information sheet
- Sargood on Collaroy information sheet
- School to work support program information sheet
- Selecting service providers - Lifetime Care
- Sexuality policy - Lifetime Care
- Starting an attendant care program with Lifetime Care information sheet
- Support and advocacy service information sheet
- Transitional home modifications – Streamlining Your Return Home
- Travel to attend treatment and rehabilitation services information sheet
- Vehicle modifications information sheet
- Welcome to the Lifetime Care and Support Scheme information sheet
- What is ‘reasonable and necessary’ treatment, rehabilitation and care information sheet
- What is the Lifetime Care and Support Scheme information sheet
- Working together - understanding responsibilities
- Your feedback information sheet
Workers Care Program
Workers Care Information Pack: People in Workers Care can access, print, and download these most commonly used information sheets and forms for successfully engaging with and understanding Workers Care.
- Care Needs Assessments - Information for Workers
- Completing an expense claim form
- Consequential injuries and health conditions policy - Workers Care
- Consequential injuries and health conditions information - Workers Care
- Depression after a brain injury information sheet
- Family and friends as support worker policy - Workers Care
- How to request treatment and care information sheet
- My Plan for Workers Care
- Privacy principles - Workers Care information sheet
- Resolving disputes about treatment and care info sheet
- Role of your coordinator and rehabilitation case manager info sheet
- Sargood on Collaroy information sheet
- Selecting service providers - Workers Care
- Starting an attendant care program with Workers Care information sheet
- Support and advocacy service - Workers Care information sheet
- Travel to attend treatment and rehabilitation services information sheet
- Welcome to Workers Care Program information sheet
- What is ‘reasonably necessary’ treatment and care information sheet
- Working together - Understanding responsibilities
- Working with attendant care - Information for a successful service
- Your feedback information sheet - Workers Care Program
- Advance Care Planning - Making your wishes known
- Building Capability and Safeguarding Policy
- Child Safety Policy
- Equipment insurance claims information sheet
- Financial support and advisory services information sheet
- Guidelines for the prescription of a wheelchair - Consumer information
- Guidance on the support needs of adults with spinal cord injury
- Guidance on the support needs of adults with spinal cord injury - Information for the person and their family
- Guidance on the support pathway for people with a limb amputation (and trialling a prosthesis) 2021
- Health Literacy Framework - Lifetime injuries
- Health Maintenance Toolkit - A guide for people with a spinal cord injury
- Limb prosthesis maintenance
- Restrictive Practices Policy
- Summary for the support pathway for people with a limb amputation (2021)
- Tips on managing pain and limb amputation
Work-related dust disease: Dust Diseases Care
- Applying for icare dust diseases workers compensation benefits
- Asbestosis information sheet
- Claims for payment of health care
- Compensation for dependants
- Complementary and alternative therapies information sheet
- Grief support services
- Peer to peer support fact sheet – DDC Asbestos Diseases Foundation of Australia
- Peer to peer support fact sheet – DDC Asbestos Diseases Research Institute
- Privacy principles information sheet – Dust Disease Care
- Dust Diseases Care information sheet
- Funeral expenses fact sheet
- Industrial history report information sheet
- Lung screen brochure
- Medical examination fact sheet
- Pleural Plaques fact sheet
- Support for carers fact sheet
- Support for organisation guidelines
- Understanding compensation benefits for dependants
- Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017
- Working with Crystalline Silica
- Working together - rights and responsiblities