How to request services on behalf of an injured person
Download request forms and find out how to request services on behalf of an injured person...
Download request forms and find out how to request services on behalf of an injured person...
Details about the icare claims management service model introduced in January 2018...
If you’re a volunteer with a state government agency that we cover, you may be entitled to workers compensation...
If your injury was a result of negligence, you may be able to sue your employer for damages...
How to make a permanent impairment claim application. Information for exempt workers and those claiming for pain and suffering...
Legal costs for workers insurance disputes and how you may get legal assistance...
How to make a hearing impairment claim or permanent impairment claim under workers insurance...
How to make a work break or journey claim under workers insurance...
Browse our forms and resources and download PDF documents specific to you...
Under circumstances, you can get workers insurance payments in a 'commutation' - one lump sum to cover your agreed medical, hospital and rehab payments...