Working with us as an attendant care provider
Attendant care providers need to be approved to work in our care schemes. We have a panel of approved attendant care providers who are appointed through a tender process...
Attendant care providers need to be approved to work in our care schemes. We have a panel of approved attendant care providers who are appointed through a tender process...
This information outlines your rights and responsibilities as an awarded worker in Dust Diseases Care and our commitment to you...
If you are living with a disability from a work related dust disease contracted in NSW, we may be able to provide you with financial compensation and care...
If you’re not satisfied with a decision we’ve made, there are a range of options available to you to help initiate an internal review...
Legislation, guidelines and policies that govern Dust Diseases Care...
If you stopped work due to a dust disease contracted in a NSW workplace, we may be able to provide you with compensation...
If a worker who was part of our care scheme passes away, we can help their family members with covering the cost of a funeral up to the value of $9,000...
icare has successfully completed its remediation program to correct historical payment practices to impacted Dust Disease Care (DDC) participants...
We provide compensation benefits to families who were dependant on someone who passed away due to a dust disease contracted in a NSW workplace...
If you have a work-related dust disease, you may be able to have your medical treatment costs paid for by us...