Lodge a complaint or dispute

If you’re dissatisfied with a decision or the service received from icare HBCF or its scheme agents, you can make a complaint through applicable internal dispute resolution (review) processes. 

If you’re dissatisfied with a decision or the service received from icare, you can make a complaint through applicable internal dispute resolution (review) processes.

We take service levels and dealing with complaints and disputes very seriously. Our relationship with builders is also critical. We expect that our service is appropriate and delivered in a timely fashion.

If you’re dissatisfied with a decision or the service received from icare HBCF you can lodge a complaint or dispute through the applicable complaint or dispute resolution processes.

What you can dispute

When you receive an initial decision about a claim, eligibility, or a premium determination, you can dispute the decision and request a review.

Our Complaint and Dispute Handling Procedures define how we perform these reviews, how long they take, and what other options may be available to you. For example, if you have a claims dispute, you also have the right to appeal to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) and ask them to review the decision.

Our definition of a dispute

A dispute is an issue, or part of an issue raised by a customer, that is recognised as a ‘dispute’ or equivalent by relevant scheme legislation or regulation and has a prescribed process for resolution involving parties external to icare but does not include complaints escalated to SIRA.

Disputes include requests to review eligibility, premium determination, and claims decisions to have the outcome amended.

When you can lodge a complaint

icare HBCF strives to provide you with the best service possible. We’re bound by regulations, guidelines and service levels and regulated by the State Insurance Regulation Authority (SIRA).

If you’re not happy with our conduct or the service we provide, or you think we have not complied with guidelines and regulations, you can complain directly to us.

You can also request our regulator (SIRA) to conduct a regulatory compliance review or lodge any complaint about us with SIRA.

Our definition of a complaint

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to, or about icare, our products, services, staff, or the handling of a complaint where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required.

Our Complaint and Dispute Handling Procedures

We have clear guidelines to follow when we handle complaints and disputes, although the process is slightly different depending on whether you are a homeowner (claims and premiums disputes) or a builder (eligibility and premiums disputes).

How long should you expect to wait?

For details of our processes and service levels (how long we take to acknowledge, respond to, and resolve your issue) please refer to these two documents:

We will provide you with written notification of the outcome and advise you of any other options available to you.

Lodge a dispute

Lodge a dispute about a Claim

You can make a claim dispute directly to icare HBCF:

Lodge a dispute about a premium determination

Please contact us directly to lodge your dispute:

Lodge a dispute about an eligibility decision

Please contact your broker to raise the dispute for you.

Lodge a complaint

Please contact us to complain about any aspect of our service:

You can make a complaint directly to icare HBCF:

If you have a complaint about HBCF or our services, please reach out to us at:

SIRA regulatory compliance reviews and other complaints

SIRA regulates the NSW home building compensation scheme. Although SIRA cannot overturn an icare HBCF decision, if you have any concerns about our conduct or the service we provide, you can ask SIRA to conduct a regulatory compliance review. As well as requesting a regulatory compliance review, you can also lodge any other complaint with SIRA.

Request a (SIRA) regulatory compliance review

Lodge a complaint with SIRA

You can lodge a complaint with SIRA about any aspect of our conduct or service.

SIRA contact details: