1. Invoicing requirements - CTP Care

    Information PDF [89 KB]

    Service providers working with CTP Care, refer to this information sheet when sending us tax invoices...

  2. Notify us of an injury or make a claim


    Reporting a workplace illness or injury - steps for employers when lodging a workers compensation claim for employees...

  3. Premium updates for 2024-25


    We've made some updates to our premium model to provide employers with greater stability and make things simpler...

  4. Workers insurance payments for your employees


    Information for employers on their role in payments for their injured workers...

  5. Weekly payments


    Once your worker's claim has been accepted for liability, they will start to receive weekly payments to assist with their recovery whilst they are unable earn their usual income...

  6. Weekly benefit payments


    If you're injured at work, you may be entitled to receive weekly benefit payments...

  7. Benefits for workers


    If you stopped work due to a dust disease contracted in a NSW workplace, we may be able to provide you with compensation...

  8. Funeral expenses


    If a worker who was part of our care scheme passes away, we can help their family members with covering the cost of a funeral up to the value of $9,000...

  9. Dust diseases weekly compensation awards


    icare has successfully completed its remediation program to correct historical payment practices to impacted Dust Disease Care (DDC) participants...

  10. Benefits for dependants


    We provide compensation benefits to families who were dependant on someone who passed away due to a dust disease contracted in a NSW workplace...