Workers insurance claims portal FAQs

Here you'll find a selection of Frequently Asked Questions about the workers insurance claims portal.

    About the claims portal

  • What is icare's workers insurance claims portal?

    icare’s claims portal gives employers and injured workers greater control over the management of their workers compensation claims.

    The claims portal is easy to use and allows you to lodge, manage and track the progress of each claim in one central location. It is user-specific, password-protected and linked to employer policy details. The open access claims lodgement page is also still available for employers and workers to lodge their claims.

  • What are the main features and benefits of the claims portal?

    The claims portal provides greater control over claims management, including secure registration and the ability to:

    • lodge and view each claim
    • immediately generate claim numbers
    • view and manage wage and medical payments
    • view injury management plans and upload return to work plans
    • administer your teams and control their access to the portal
    • view help articles and other resources.
  • What branding will I see in the claims portal?

    icare’s claims portal is icare-branded. However, documents attached to individual claims within the portal, such as letters, will feature both icare’s branding and the managing claims service provider’s branding.

  • When will claims all be on the same portal?
    Older claims will be progressively transferred to the new portal in stages to ensure a smooth transition and minimum impact for our customers. icare will announce transition dates in due course.

    Using the claims portal

  • Why can't I see all of my claims?

    The following claims are/will be visible on icare's claims portal:

    • all claims lodged with EML from 4 February 2019
    • all claims lodged with QBE from 1 May 2020
    • all claims lodged with GIO from 1 October 2020
    • all claims lodged with Allianz from 1 October 2020.

    Some claims lodged with GIO or Allianz between 1 August 2020 and 1 October 2020 may also be visible on icare's claims portal, depending on when the employer began using icare's system.

    Historical claims data will be progressively transferred to the icare system over time. Until then, employers and workers should continue to view and manage their older workers compensation claims through the managing claims service provider’s system.

  • What happens if a worker has a claim and leaves their employment? Can an employer still access the worker's weekly wage/payments history?
    Yes, an employer can still access historical claims data for an injured worker whose employment has ceased. However, only documentation or claims information for the period of employment will be visible. Cost of claims reporting will continue to be provided.
  • I'm a broker. Do I need separate approval/permission from the employer to see each claim?
    No. Once an employer authorises you to use the claims portal, you can see all claims assigned to their policy.
  • How do I get a consolidated claims view if I have claims in different portals?

    Any claim lodged on icare's claims portal will be available for viewing within the portal, regardless of which claims service provider is managing your claim.

    A consolidated Cost of Claims report can be provided by icare which details all your claims in one place. You can request this report by emailing Both open and closed claims are included. 

    icare is working with claims service providers to share data across systems and provide you with a holistic view of claims lodged with that provider.