Helping you understand the process for your weekly workers compensation payments reassessment

Information about the weekly benefit reassessment process and the possible outcomes.

Steps involved in a reassessment

1. Discover

You can find out more about the reassessment process and potential outcomes by reading our Frequently Asked Questions.

2. Seek support

Call your Claims Service Provider, speak with someone in your support network, your Claims Service Provider, or visit our FAQs for mental health support or financial advice.

3. Lodge

Assess your options and if you would like to proceed, request a reassessment with your ClaimsService Provider.

4. Validate

Your enquiry will be processed by your Claims Service Provider and validated.

5. Reassessment

Your Claims Service Provider will evaluate the information on your claim that was used to determine your weekly workers compensation payments, and you may be asked to provide further pay information.

6. Assurance

The outcome may be checked by an independent quality assurance team to verify the result.

7. Outcome

Once the outcome of the assessment is known, your Claims Service Provider will communicate it to you.

What are the possible outcomes?

There are four outcomes to your assessment.

1. You have been underpaid

This will result in a one-off reimbursement to you. If you are currently receiving benefits, your ongoing weekly payments may also be adjusted. 

2. You have been overpaid

You will not be required to pay back any overpayment. However, if you are currently receiving benefits, ongoing weekly payments may be adjusted. 

3. No change

After the assessment is completed, there may be no change to your current payments or reimbursement. 

4. An assessment is not possible

This may be an outcome if you have a claim that has previously been settled.

Digital Payments only

From 1 July 2024, we are making changes to how we pay our claims.

To better support those we serve with faster payments, we are moving to Digital Payments (EFT), meaning Cheques will no longer be issued.

To update us with your EFT/Bank Details, please complete the EFT Details form and return it to your Claims Service Provider or contact us on 13 77 22 between 8.30am - 5.00pm, Monday to Friday for support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about the weekly workers compensation payments reassessment? It may be answered in our FAQs.

Read the FAQs