Frequently Asked Questions about Dust Diseases Board grants.
- What diseases are included in the Dust Diseases Board's research and Support Organisation funding?
Diseases Covered by DDB Research and Support Organisation Funding
- Do I need to be an Australian citizen to apply for a DDB grant?
Eligibility and Location Requirements
- Is funding available for researchers and Support Organisations based outside of NSW?
Eligibility for Interstate Applicants and Organisations
- How often does DDB offer grant funding?
- How much funding is available in each grant round? Is there a limit on individual grant amounts?
Grant Funding and Application Cycles
- Who owns the intellectual property generated from my grant?
Intellectual property
- Can I use a different format for financial acquittals to meet my institution's specific requirements?
- Can I reallocate funds between budget categories to reflect changes in my project's needs?
- What should I do if there is an overspend or underspend in a specific budget category?
- Why is the endorsement of the Administering Organisation/Institution Finance Manager required
- What qualifications are required for the Finance Manager of the Administering Organisation/Institution?
- What is the procedure for handling remaining funds at the project's conclusion?
Annual and Final Financial Acquittal Reports
- Can I make changes to the project once it has started?
Project changes
- What records am I required to maintain during the project?
- Where can I find more information?