1. Workers Care Information Pack

    Information PDF [0.8 MB]

    People in Workers Care can access, print, and download these most commonly used information sheets and forms for successfully engaging with and understanding Workers Care...

  2. Feedback and complaints: Dust Diseases Care


    If you're unhappy about something or wish to make a complaint, talk to your Dust Diseases Care contact. They may be able to rectify your concerns immediately...

  3. Safe and healthy workplaces


    icare is committed to working with our customers to design work environments that reduce the risk of injury and promote wellbeing...

  4. Returning to work following a severe injury


    Information for participants of icare lifetime care and icare workers care program wanting to return to work after a severe injury...

  5. Your feedback information sheet - Workers Care Program

    Information PDF [0.2 MB]

    We're here to help and we value what you have to say about the quality of our Workers Care Program service...

  6. Your feedback - Lifetime Care

    Information PDF [0.2 MB]

    We're here to help and we value what you have to say about the quality of our Lifetime Care service...

  7. Feedback and complaints - Dust Diseases Care

    Information PDF [0.2 MB]

    We're here to help and we value what you have to say about the quality of our Dust Diseases Care service...

  8. Using work design to prevent psychological injuries among healthcare and social assistance workers


    Design for Care, a new injury prevention initiative for healthcare and social assistance workers, is being launched this October, Safe Work Month and Mental Health Month...

  9. Key dates


    Key dates for Dust Diseases Board current and upcoming funding opportunities and links to apply...