Contact us

Workers Insurance policy enquiry

Policy enquiries

Call: 13 44 22
International: +61 2 8378 0500
Hours: 8am-6pm, Monday to Friday

Hearing or speech impaired

National Relay Service users can be connected to any of our telephone numbers.
Contact 13 36 77 for Telephone Typewriter (TTY) or 1300 555 727 for Speak and Listen and ask for icare on 13 44 22.

Prefer online web chat?

We might be able to help straight away. Use the web chat feature on this page.

Web chat is available if an Agent is online between 8:30am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.

Are you looking for a form or resource?

Please head to our Workers Insurance forms and resources page to find a form or more information.

Workers Insurance forms and resources

Locate us

321 Kent St
Sydney NSW 2000

56 Station Street East
Parramatta NSW 2150

Level 6, 18 Honeysuckle Drive
Newcastle NSW 2300 

icare mailing address

icare general enquiries
GPO Box 4052
Sydney NSW 2001

icare claims correspondence
Locked Bag 2099
North Ryde BC NSW 1670