icare’s extensive reforms spark major improvements for NSW communities
Following a comprehensive 3-year program of reform and remediation, icare has formally addressed all 107 recommendations from an independent review...
Following a comprehensive 3-year program of reform and remediation, icare has formally addressed all 107 recommendations from an independent review...
Making an application with Dust Diseases Care is easy – you can apply how you want, when you want...
This information outlines your rights and responsibilities as an awarded worker in Dust Diseases Care and our commitment to you...
This bank details form is to arrange for the payment of my compensation payments direct to my account...
Information for employers on health monitoring responsibilities where workers are exposed to hazardous dust in the workplace...
The Mobile Clinic (Lung Bus) is our most popular service and appointments fill up quickly. It is a public site service for people in regional New South Wales. On board the Mobile Clinic is an x-ray...
Our Mobile Clinic (Lung Bus) is our most popular service and appointments fill up quickly. It offers a local or on-site service that minimises disruption to the working day for people and businesses...
The icare Dust Diseases Care (DDC) Health Screening Clinic is our fixed-location lung health screening service in the Sydney CBD. We can be flexible to your needs through our Sydney CBD Clinic. Our...
The icare Dust Diseases Care Health Screening Clinic is our fixed-location lung health screening service in the Sydney CBD. We can be more flexible to your needs through our Sydney Clinic, contact us...
Information for icare lifetime care participants on how to resolve an issue if you are unhappy with a decision made about your treatment and care needs...