How to dispute a decision about your treatment and care needs
As a participant with Lifetime Care, you have the right to disagree with any decision that we make about your treatment and care needs.
If you don’t agree with a decision we’ve made about your treatment and care needs, the first step is to discuss it with your case manager and icare contact.
We are committed to helping you resolve issues quickly and informally.
We may contact others involved in your care, such as your service providers or family and carers and arrange a meeting to discuss the decision.
You can also contact our Customer Resolution Team on 1300 738 586 to discuss your concerns.
Lodging a dispute if you are still unhappy
If we cannot resolve things informally, you can also lodge a dispute.
A dispute can only be lodged about a decision we have made about your treatment and care needs and notified to you in writing on a certificate.
It will then be reviewed by an independent dispute assessor.
What you'll need to know about lodging a dispute
Who can lodge a dispute
A dispute can be lodged by either by you or your representative. A representative can include a family member, solicitor or advocate.
How to lodge a dispute
A dispute can be lodged verbally (in person or by phone), or in writing – in a letter or email to us, explaining why you disagree with the decision.
You should include any information that is relevant to the dispute
It must be lodged within 28 days of receiving the certificate with our decision.
To find out more, contact us.
We also have a support and advocacy service who can assist you to navigate our dispute process. See our advocacy page for more information on accessing this service.
Dispute assessment process
We will choose a dispute assessor who can best resolve your dispute. It will be an independent professional who has not assessed or treated you before.
All treatment and care needs dispute assessors are medical and health professionals and have extensive experience working with people with severe injuries.
The dispute assessor will be sent all relevant information on the dispute and will then decide how to assess the dispute.
They may decide to assess you and talk to the people involved in your life (such as family members or treating health team).
Length of dispute process
Disputes about treatment and care needs may take several months to resolve, because of the time required to gather information or to complete assessments to ensure the right decision is made.
Providing information to the dispute assessor
You or your representative can give information to the dispute assessor.
This should be in writing and sent to icare's Customer Resolution Team.
It’s important to provide any relevant information as soon as possible to ensure the dispute assessor reviews it, as it may impact how they assess the dispute.
We’ll send the information to the dispute assessor and to any other parties involved in the dispute.
You’ll also be sent a copy of any information provided by another party.
What happens next
Once the assessment is completed, the assessor will make a decision. You’ll receive the dispute assessor’s decision in writing in a certificate, which will include reasons for the decision. It will be sent to you and to Lifetime Care at the same time.
This decision is legally binding, which means you and Lifetime Care have to accept the decision. You are able to request a review of this decision, based on certain grounds in the legislation, as outlined below.
For more information, contact us.
- Requesting a review of a dispute assessors decision
- How to apply for a review
- Who is on the review panel
- How the panel will assess your review
- Length of review process
- What happens next