Statement of Business Ethics
This Statement of Business Ethics sets out the expectations and commitments of icare when working with our suppliers, commercial partners, and contractors (collectively referred to as ‘suppliers’).
We rely on our suppliers to adhere to the same values and standards of ethical behaviour when providing services to us or on our behalf. Together, we care for the people of NSW, building confidence and trust so our communities can thrive.
icare is aligned with the NSW Government Supplier Code of Conduct (Code) and we adopt the set of expectations and behaviours specified in the Code. This statement should be read in conjunction with the Code.
icare's purpose and values

Guiding principles
icare prides itself on being a transparent and ethically minded government organisation.
We adhere to the NSW Government Procurement Policy Framework and are guided by the following principles when selecting our suppliers: value for money, probity and fairness, confidentiality and privacy, fraud prevention, health and safety; and respect for human rights.
These principles are set out fully in the Code but additional information for icare is included below.
Value for money
We safeguard the resources of government by ensuring value for money and that the goods and services that we procure give us the best commercial, environmental and social outcomes.
We select suppliers who can offer us the best value for money with a balanced view of factors including quality, whole-of-life costs, reliability, and timeliness.
Fraud prevention
We manage public funds judiciously and responsibly. For good governance, our procurement lifecycle is established with effective controls to prevent and detect fraud, and we encourage employees and contractors to speak-up and report any wrongdoing.
Modern slavery and respect for human rights
We are committed to complying with the Modern Slavery Act 2018, NSW in accordance with the Guidance on Reasonable Steps released by the Anti-slavery Commissioner.
We have adopted a Modern Slavery Policy which demonstrates icare's commitment to respecting human rights and managing modern slavery risks through our operations and supply chains.
We welcome suppliers who are willing to work with us and have shared accountability in addressing modern slavery.
- Suppliers must take all reasonable steps to ensure that businesses within their supply chains are not supplying products of modern slavery.
- We expect our suppliers to provide a fair and ethical workplace free from workplace bullying, harassment, victimisation and abuse.
- We expect our suppliers to ensure that businesses within their supply chains are not engaged in, or complicit with other human rights abuses.
Consequences of non-compliance
Suppliers should be aware that non-compliance with the Code or this Statement of Business Ethics when doing business with icare, as well as demonstrated corrupt or unethical conduct, could lead to the implications specified in the Code.
If you are concerned about a possible breach of the Code and/or icare’s Statement of Business Ethics, this can be directed to our Chief Procurement Officer or icare’s Speak Up Hotline:
Chief Procurement Officer
Insurance & Care NSW
321 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Speak Up Hotline Phone: 1800 950 625
Mail: PO Box 895, Darlinghurst NSW 1300
(If you are concerned about any conduct that may involve fraud, corrupt conduct, maladministration, or serious and substantial waste of public funds, this can be reported via one of the external channels referred to in the Code.)