icare Dust Diseases Care quarterly data
We're committed to regularly publishing a range of Dust Diseases Care data to provide accountability and transparency.
Representing the date range 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024
If you require any additional information regarding this service, please contact us.
Number of clients
Dependants: 3,239
Workers (Award): 1,514
Workers (Non-award): 282
Grand total: 5,035

Mobile clinic
People screened*: 739
Locations visited: 10
Employers supported: 17
Health screening
People screened*: 401
External monitoring: 60
Employers supported: 44
Medical assessment panel
Meetings: 10
Clients: 345
Asbestos/ARPD: 46
Lung cancer: 9
Mesothelioma: 46
Silicosis: 25
Other: 6
Grand total: 132
All payments: $30,185,409
Fortnightly Payments:
* People screened represents scheme clients who are living with a dust disease, and workers whose job places them at risk of exposure to hazardous dust.