Dust diseases weekly compensation awards
icare has successfully completed its remediation program to correct historical payment practices to impacted Dust Disease Care (DDC) participants...
icare has successfully completed its remediation program to correct historical payment practices to impacted Dust Disease Care (DDC) participants...
We provide compensation benefits to families who were dependant on someone who passed away due to a dust disease contracted in a NSW workplace...
If you have a work-related dust disease, you may be able to have your medical treatment costs paid for by us...
icare provides psychological supports for people with a work-related dust disease...
If you have a work-related dust disease, we may be able to pay for equipment and home modifications to assist you in your daily life...
Discover support groups for people with a dust disease. Finding the right support can be an empowering step towards making informed decisions...
Information for the family members, carers and friends of people who have died from a dust disease...
If you are a participant in our Dust Diseases program, we may be able to pay for attendant care and domestic services...
Peter is the Chair of the Asbestos Diseases Research Foundation (ADRF) Board, Deputy Chair of EE-Oz Energy Skills Australia and a member of the Board of Exemplar Systems Pty Ltd and Exemplar Learning...
Malcolm is an Occupational and Environmental Physician and Public Health Physician who has longstanding research and clinical interests in dust diseases from workplace and environmental exposures...