1. Tips on breaking down barriers for women in the construction industry

    Information PDF [53 KB]

    This infographic provides tips on how to break down barriers for women in the construction industry...

  2. Welcome to the transport industry hub


    An industry hub for the transport industry full of resources and tools to help you manage workers compensation insurance — anytime, anywhere...

  3. Welcome to the construction industry hub


    An industry hub for the construction industry full of resources and tools to help you manage workers compensation insurance — anytime, anywhere...

  4. COVID-19: How to help transport workers manage stress


    The Australian road transport industry plays a crucial role in supporting Australians during the Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic...

  5. Welcome to the health industry hub


    An industry hub for the health industry full of resources and tools to help you manage workers compensation insurance — anytime, anywhere...

  6. Transport insurance insights


    As the largest workers compensation insurer in NSW, we have access to a range of valuable data and insights to help you better understand the industry and support you in creating safe workplaces...

  7. Social support during physical isolation for transport workers


    it is important for transport workers to maintain social connections where they can, to ensure their mental health is not compromised...

  8. Mental health injuries in the truck driving industry


    Did you know that mental health injuries result in more time off work?...

  9. Common risk factors in the truck driving industry


    Truck drivers have high rates of work-related injury and illness compared to other Australian workers...

  10. Tips on breaking down barriers for women in the construction industry


    Did you know that the proportion of women working in the construction industry has fallen over the past 20 years from 13.8 per cent in 1998 to just 12 per cent in 2018?...