Dust Diseases Board to fund support services
The Dust Diseases Board is calling for applications from groups and organisations for funding to support people with a dust disease and their families. This financial year, $600,000 in funding is available through the Support Organisations funding stream.
Unusually breathless
Former electrician Trevor was enjoying retirement after working hard doing general electrical work, often at sites that were known to have asbestos.
Three years ago, he was out walking along one of his favourite bush trails. He would normally run or cycle this same route, but he noticed even walking was leaving him breathless and puffed.
"We called up the doctor and said, I had a COVID jab this week, but I’m feeling breathless. Do you think there’s an issue?” Trevor said, reflecting on the symptoms that triggered his doctor’s appointment.
The following Friday, Trevor got a call back from the doctor. He had been diagnosed with mesothelioma; an occupational disease mainly caused by exposure to asbestos. “My wife said, what’s mesothelioma? And I said, 'it’s a death sentence'" Trevor said.
Watch Trevor’s story here.
Support Organisation funding
The Dust Diseases Board’s latest round of $600,000 aims to fund groups and organisations that offer support services such as information, education and wellbeing programs for people living with a dust disease and their families.
Applications close on 7 November, find out more here.
“We are privileged to receive lots of support… it helps anchor us” Trevor said of the services he and his wife had received. Trevor and Shirley are a great team, and big advocates for others with a similar experience.
About the Dust Diseases Board
The Dust Diseases Board provides funding for research and support services for people affected by dust diseases through grants, PhD scholarships and fellowships. icare’s Research and Education team administer grants on behalf of the Dust Diseases Board and conduct and evaluate dust diseases research.
Support Organisations funding is part of the FY25 funding program with a combined value of $3 million across support, research and researcher development streams.
Since 1983, the Board has been awarding grants to reduce the risk of dust diseases and improve outcomes for those affected and their families. Between 2016 and 2023, 55 grants worth over $13 million were approved.
The DDB has set its vision, mission and strategic priorities for the next five years. The 2025-2029 Strategy will provide further insights on changes in the dust diseases environment, the evolving needs of affected people, and opportunities to increase its reach and impact.