icare welcomes surgical fee changes

icare has welcomed the recent announcement by the State Regulatory Insurance Authority (SIRA) of changes to surgical fees from 1 July 2021.

The proposed changes will ensure consistency of fees paid under the NSW workers compensation scheme and the NSW CTP scheme.  

Bringing fees in line with the latest Australian Medical Association (AMA) rates means that injured workers and businesses will no longer pay more than the rest of the community for surgical procedures.  

We recognise the positive contribution that medical practitioners make to the wellbeing of our community in NSW, including helping injured workers return to employment. We are confident that this will continue. 

Rising medical costs have long placed significant pressure on the NSW workers compensation system and have been a concern raised by icare since 2016.  

Under the announced changes, it would save the Nominal Insurer workers compensation scheme $200 million immediately with ongoing annual savings of $20 million. For the Treasury Managed Fund, the saving is $40 million immediately and a further $3 million saving each year. 

icare will contribute to ongoing consultation with SIRA on the proposed changes.  In addition, icare continues to work with claims providers to address cost impacts within its control, such as preventing any leakage or over-servicing. 


SIRA, as the regulator of the NSW workers compensation scheme, is responsible for setting medical and surgical workers compensation fees. Read more about the changes on the SIRA website.