John Robertson

Appointment Term - 11 September 2023 – 10 September 2026
Chair of the icare Board
Member of the People and Remuneration Committee
John Robertson has over 30 years' experience in stakeholder engagement, negotiating with and on behalf of numerous interest groups and government, and representing the interests of some of the most vulnerable people across NSW.
He is currently Chief Executive Officer at Foodbank NSW & ACT.
John is the former Member for Blacktown from 2011 to 2017 and NSW Opposition Leader from 2011 to 2014. He served as a Minister in the NSW Government from 2009 to 2011, which included time as Minister for Transport, Minister for Public Sector Reform, Minister for Energy and Minister for Corrective Services.
He is the President of the NSW Council of Social Service and has held previous board and committee roles for WorkCover NSW, NSW Heritage Council, Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Corporation and Energy Australia.
John began his career as an electrician and later worked with the Electrical Trades Union and the Labor Council of NSW.